Home – Services – Dental Implants – Teethxpress
TeethXpress is a long-term dental implant solution that looks and functions like real teeth. With TeethXpress, your dentures are secured to dental implants so that you never have to worry about slipping dentures. We use implants to create new tooth roots in the upper and/or lower arch of your dentures.
Implants are crafted from surgical-grade titanium and provide stable, permanent tooth replacement. The end results are stunning! TeethXpress is functional, looks great and allows you to get back to smiling again! For immediate results that leave a lasting impression, try TeethXpress today!
Many people who have conventional dentures don’t like to wear them because they don’t stay in place. TeethXpress offers a way to keep dentures secure and allows you to go about your daily life with confidence.
Conventional dentures are designed to give you the appearance of natural teeth, but not actually replace your natural teeth. You may have noticed that your denture that once fit well now slips constantly and requires costly visits to the dentist for adjustment. That’s because every day that you wear a denture the bone in your jaw shrinks a little more. Eventually the denture won’t fit at all and you will have to replace it.
TeethXpress is a very different solution. You will still have beautiful natural looking teeth, but now they will also function like natural teeth. The TeethXpress solution secures your denture to placed dental implants so that you can eat, speak and live confidently without the fear of slipping dentures.
Isn’t it time to join your family and friends around the table and enjoy food like you used to?
Each new tooth is rooted using surgical-grade titanium. It is then used as an anchor for beautifully-crafted permanent teeth.
The TeethXpress dental implant solution secures your new, permanent teeth above your gums, ensuring a stable and natural-looking smile.
Your permanent teeth are attached to it. It’s time to get back to enjoying life while you eat, smile, and chew with your friends and family!
Dental implants are the standard of care for tooth replacement. They are root replacements bonded with the bone to provide permanent support for crowns, bridgework, and dentures.
Your jawbone begins to shrink from lack of stimulation. Losing your teeth will affect your smile and change the shape of your face, causing you to look prematurely aged.
TeethXpress can be placed in most adults who have lost most or all of their teeth. Please ask your dental implant specialist to explain the benefits and risks to see if teeth in a day is right for you.
No, the procedure is typically done under local anesthesia. Also, many patients choose sedation dentistry as an option for additional comfort. Most treatments can be completed in our office.
You may return to work the next day unless otherwise instructed by one of our doctors. You may be prescribed medication to alleviate any minor discomfort you may have.
The implants can be placed in as little as 30 to 60 minutes depending on the location and the number of implants placed. The TeethXpress protocol requires 4 to 6 dental implants be placed to secure your denture. The total procedure will typically require 3 to 4 hours. Ask your Certified TeethXpress Dentists for more complete time estimations.
TeethXpress is designed as an immediate solution so that you walk out the same day with secure natural looking teeth. Occasionally an additional step is needed to secure your teeth to your implants, but you will always walk out with your new teeth.
Initially you will only use a medicated mouth rinse prescribed by your TeethXpress dentist. Once your mouth is healed, you will use a waterpick to clean around the implants and under the secured denture. You will also schedule regular follow up visits with your TeethXpress dentist for cleanings.
Implants can last many years if cared for properly. Many implants have been in place for more than 40 years.
BioHorizons dental implants have an extremely high average success rate (99.2%).
The dental implants, used for TeethXpress, are low maintenance and provide you with a stable, secure and confident smile. Therefore, the long-term value of TeethXpress far exceeds conventional treatment options.
We know that financing can be factor when making a decision like this. That is why we go the extra mile to provide flexible options that work for everyone considering Teeth Xpress.
We believe everyone should be able to smile while sitting around the table with family and friends. Don’t wait another day to change the way you live your life!