Simple oral sedatives are typically used in sedation dentistry. In all cases, sedation should help lower anxiety and help make the experience more palatable while minimizing potential side effects. Simple oral sedation can be especially helpful in situations where multiple treatments are required. All Smiles Care makes it easy for patients to schedule both treatments on the same day and go through them relatively painlessly, instead of making multiple appointments.
Simple oral sedatives are used to help alleviate anxiety and induce amnesia, so patients can’t remember the surgery or procedure. Oral sedatives are typically administered on the morning of the dental appointment for full efficacy. Dental sedation with simple oral sedatives helps patients deal with fear and anxiety before a procedure and, in some cases, can prevent PTSD resulting from a lengthy surgery.
Other common forms of sedation and medication are available that require an injection beforehand. Sedatives that are taken intravenously before a dental surgery or procedure help alleviate anxiety, induce sleep, and prevent patients from remembering the event. These sedatives are also used for minor surgeries and other medical procedures.
All Smiles Care also offers neuro-acoustic software options. Neuro-acoustic software is a relatively new technology that revolutionizes sedation dentistry. This method of dental sedation relaxes the body and the mind without the use of sedative drugs. Neuro-acoustic software has been proven to relieve dental anxiety naturally. Within 3 to 4 minutes, the patient will feel calm and relaxed and ready for any dental procedure.