Did you know that 24% of Americans say the teeth are what they remember most about someone after meeting them?
Interestingly enough, teeth and the state of your smile have a huge impact on your career, dating life, and your personal satisfaction. Check out some fascinating statistics regarding the subject.
74% of people believe unattractive teeth can hurt the level of success in your career
Someone with straight teeth is believed to be 45% more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a job when competing with someone who has a similar skill set and experience
Someone with straight teeth is also 58% more likely to be seen as successful and wealthy.
Dating/Social Life
38% of Americans would consider not going on a second date with someone who has misaligned teeth. Far fewer would ditch someone who lives with his or her parents (23%).
This is surprising!
Those with straight teeth are 21% more likely to be seen as happy, 47% more likely to be viewed as healthy, and 38% more likely to be perceived as smart.
73% would be more likely to trust someone with a nice smile than someone with a good job, outfit, or car.
When it comes to attracting a possible mate on a dating site, those with straight teeth are seen as 57% more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a date based on their picture alone.
Self Esteem
45% of people are currently unhappy with the appearance of their teeth
57% of Americans would rather have a nice smile than clear skin.
It seems that people at least perceive the smile as a important quality, and find that other people’s smiles impact more than just their appearance. As a result…
- 87% would forego something for a year in order to have a nice smile for the rest of their life.
- 39% would give up dessert and 37% would give up vacations for a better smile for the rest of their life.When polled, Americans would pay an average of $11,420 to have a nice smile for the rest of their lives.