What’s your excuse?


As health professionals, we have heard our fair share of excuses for a cancelled appointment. From legitimate to funny to ones we can see right through, we have probably heard it all! And of course, as humans, we understand, because everyone has the unforeseen happen and has to cancel something at sometime or another.

Thewealthydentist.com conducted a hilarious survey all across the country of the top funniest excuses dentists had heard for a missed appointment. Here are just a few! For the full post, head over here.

Surprisingly, many dentists received the “toothache” excuses! Patients cancelled appointments because they had a toothache all over the country. It makes you wonder when they would go see the dentist!

Other funny excuses include:

  • I will come later
  • I couldn’t get out of the driveway because there was too much snow on the ground (on a day when there was no snow)
  • I’d rather just continue to take aspirin (instead of getting a tooth fixed)
  • The weather is too good/too bad
  • Will my insurance cover my missed appointment fee?

Many people had multiple relatives pass away around dental appointments, and after keeping track, having that many aunts and uncles began to seem impossible!

The excuses may be humorous, but often a repeated failure to make it into the dentist is due to dental fear. It is so common, either from a bad experience, or just the up close and personal nature of having someone in your mouth. Wherever the fear comes from, it is nothing to be embarrassed of, and we have many ways to make your appointment more comfortable and relaxing. Check out a very brief video below where Dr. Imm outlines various options when facing dental fear:


About the author

A practicing dentist since 1982, Dr. Gary Imm, provides advanced cosmetic dentistry, including smile makeovers, sedation, implant and TMJ services. He is committed to progressive, extraordinary care for his guests. All Smiles Dental Care trains at least 300 hours each year at such prestigious centers as the Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dentistry. (LVI)

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